搜索 Adatia

  • 死亡之铃HD
    This movie is a modern day version of The Prince And The Pauper where one man from a poor background ends up taking over another man's life from the entirely opposite end of the spectrum. Jamie Poulton - lead singer of tribute act 'Dive' - gets the opportunity to replace the iconic Donny Martin from the boy band group …
  • 克里斯試圖幫助他的好朋友還清巨額債務,卻反而引來俄羅斯黑手黨和阿爾及利亞黑幫的糾纏。走投無路的克里斯決定放手一搏,冒著啷噹入獄或失去生命的風險,策畫一場驚天大劫案……
  • 克里斯試圖幫助他的好朋友還清巨額債務,卻反而引來俄羅斯黑手黨和阿爾及利亞黑幫的糾纏。走投無路的克里斯決定放手一搏,冒著啷噹入獄或失去生命的風險,策畫一場驚天大劫案……
  • 天使的战争HD
    Naomi Vista is an accomplished flautist, with a scholarship to one of the best music academies in the world. Just before her enrollment, both her parents die, throwing Naomi into a pit of despair. At the academy, Naomi is magnetically drawn to Raphael, a quiet and ethereal stranger. However, Raphael is not what he seem…
  • 克里斯試圖幫助他的好朋友還清巨額債務,卻反而引來俄羅斯黑手黨和阿爾及利亞黑幫的糾纏。走投無路的克里斯決定放手一搏,冒著啷噹入獄或失去生命的風險,策畫一場驚天大劫案……